Monday, November 23, 2009

ANW (Autonomic Nerve Wreath)

ANW (Autonomic Nerve Wreath)
The Autonomic Nerve Wreath is the area that encompasses the Pupil on the outter edge on top of the intestines.

The area within the Autonomic Nerve Wreath represents the stomach, small intestines and large intestines (Accending colon, Transverse Colon, Decending Colon).

The area within the Autonomic Nerve Wreath represents the stomach, small inteseines and colon is usually smooth. Abnormalties here are not assciated with lesions in this area, but a general change of color or manifestations in the pupil area around the nerve wreath.

The ANW further gives us the indications of prolapsed, balloned sigmoid, stricture, pocket bowel and even a spastic colon because of its (the wreath's) location.