Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Absorption Ring

When an absorption ring is present, it means that nutrient absorption from the small intestine is compromised. Look for a reddish-brown or burnt-umber edge around the pupil.

The colon easily becomes toxic because of its function in disponding of body wastes. This waste material often remains in the large intestine for months and even years, decaying more and more, producing poisons, and seeping into the body through the bowel wall. Most of this seepage is gradual except in cases where a radii solaris or radial furrow sign is present.

A dirty or 'toxic' colon can be the beginning of many diseases. Toxic wastes are more likely to be absorbed through the bowel wall and into the bloodstream. The blood then circulates these toxins to every part of the body and deposits some of them in tissues. The greatest amounts of these toxins are retained in the constitutionally weakest tissues. If any other elimination system in the body is under active, more wastes are retained in the body. As toxins accumulate in the tissues, alterations in cellular functioning takes place, especially in the tissues in which toxins have settled. In addition, digestion may become poor, with the partially digested material adding to the problems because the body cannot make tissue out of half digested nutrients. When a person reaches the degenerative-disease stage, it is a sign that toxic settlement has taken over a specific part or parts of the body. This is the time to consider detoxification

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

On point, and thank you!